Spruce Mountain Inn

Contact Us

If you would like to speak with a member of our team about applying to Spruce Mountain Inn, please contact us using our contact form or by calling us Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST, at 1 (802) 454-8353. You may also email us at Admissions@SpruceMountainInn.com and we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your message.
Spruce Mountain Inn
in operation
Staff to resident ratio
Average tenure of staff
States with residents served
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Call us at 802-454-8353 today.


I do not have the words to adequately thank you and the other member of my son’s team for all you have done for our family. But not for you folks, odds are that he would not even be alive today. I am grateful that he has found his voice and the confidence to more competently handle his circumstances. This has been brought about by the loving, skillful guidance he received from the very special people at Spruce Mountain.
Parent, Indiana
When I came to the Inn, I was really skeptical that anything would help me. I fell apart twice in college and was eventually forced home on a medical leave. I got a new therapist and psychiatrist and was in an intensive outpatient program, but none of it was enough for me to feel better and do better. I had very little confidence that a residential program would help. At the time, it seemed like the “least bad option” to me. I worked with an educational consultant and looked at four programs before choosing Spruce Mountain Inn. The Inn program looked like a well-oiled machine; they knew what to do and did it all.
Resident, New York
It gave me great inner strength and peace to know that my child was in a safe and nurturing environment. You helped me re-establish faith and trust in my daughter. You have offered me and my daughter a new beginning.
Parent, Maryland
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Why Residential Treatment

Residential treatment programs have the potential to be much more effective than treatment received in someone's typical living environment. Our program is designed to be immersive and community-based.

Call us at 802-454-8353 today.

The benefits of residential treatment include:

24-hour access to a seasoned team of caring, professional staff.

Full immersion in a supportive community with other young people working to overcome similar challenges.

The opportunity to experience a fresh environment, break habits, and escape triggers experienced in a typical living situation.

The opportunity to work, build life-skills, and contribute creatively in a controlled, supportive setting.

Moderating the use of technology and social media, the overuse of which may fuel anxiety and depression.

Family therapy (for parents and other affected family members) to help improve communication, foster cooperation, and facilitate healthy respect among family members.

Learn more about our approach to residential treatment.


Happy birthday Eva and Bogie! ...

Happy Birthday, America 🇺🇸

It`s a gorgeous day for volleyball 🏐

Happy 2 year anniversary to Lindsay! We are lucky to have you at Spruce. ...

It`s a beautiful start to our day! We hope yours is as well.

#sunrise #nofilter #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #beinthemoment #SpruceMountainInn

Happy 42nd birthday to Spruce Mountain Inn RTC! Today we celebrate with the theme of medieval disco! ...

We are so proud of our most recent graduate! After months of trying, she finally has her drivers license!

At Spruce we support our residents in not only their mental health journey, but also independent living skills and career and education development.